

来源: 编辑:小易 2021-08-23 15:05:41 我要评论


河北衡水中学始建于1951年,是河北省首批示范性高中。学校占地200亩,有5000余名在校生,490余名教职工。近年来,全校上下牢记“立足现实、心系未来,胸怀华夏、放眼全球”的办学追求,按照“以人为本、科学管理、求真务实、质量第一”的指导思想,切实围绕素质教育这一主线,牢牢把握改革创新这一关键,努力落实“给学生终身难忘的教育”等五大教育理念,激活了师生自主创新欲望,激发了全校文化创造活力,实现了学校的和谐跨越发展。五年来,27项国家级荣誉先后花落我校,仅2009年,学校就获得“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国精神文明建设先进单位”、“全国未成年人思想道德建设先进单位”、“全国体育传统项目学校”四项国家级荣誉。近几年,为了推进教师的专业化发展,学校在五大教育理念的引领下,积极加强教师队伍的锻炼和培养,有效提高了广大教师的专业素养。几年来,有80余位教师先后应邀到全国各地讲学,200余位教师先后获得国家、省、市级荣誉称号。在高素质的教师队伍的教育引领下,学生的综合素质和创新能力不断提升。自2005年至今,有300余名学生在国际机器人奥林匹克竞赛、全国青少年科技创新大赛、中国智能机器人大赛等各级各类比赛中摘金夺银。学校高考成绩连续九年位居河北省第一。自2006年以来,学校高三学生连续三年勇摘河北省文理科高考状元桂冠。近四年来,有172名学生升入清华大学、北京大学,8名学生考入中国科学技术大学少年班,5000余名学生升入全国重点大学。这些学生在大学里“责任意识强,学习成绩好,综合素质高,发展潜力大”,有的担任院系学生干部,有的多次获得各种荣誉称号,而且有很多学生被世界著名大学录取,目前,有一大批毕业生获得了博士学位,并成为了各行各业的领军人物,活跃在国内外社会经济政治舞台上。学校已成为中国各名牌大学的优秀生源基地。学校始终坚持开放办学的原则,努力开展多种形式的国际交流与合作,大力培养与国际接轨的高素质人才。近年来,学校先后选派100余名师生到国外考察培训,先后邀请30多位毕业于剑桥、牛津等国际知名大学的外籍教师到校任教,并与英国罗杰·曼物兹学校,美国威廉·托门中学、查理·希尔中学建立了友好学校关系,实现了彼此之间的深入交流和合作。这一切,为培养具有中国心、世界眼、现代脑的创新人才奠定了坚实的基础。《中国教育报》、《中国教师报》、《人民教育》等20余家中国知名新闻媒体先后多次以大篇幅向全国详细介绍学校办学经验,并引起了中国基础教育界的广泛关注。由此,中国30余个省、市、自治区的15万余名教育界人士先后到学校考察参观,人们纷纷赞誉衡水中学创造了一个“教育的神话”,“撑起了中国基础教育的一片蓝天”, “是全国基础教育的一面旗帜”。Hengshui High school of Hebei Province, first built in 1951, is one of the first model high schools in Hebei Province . It covers about 13.3 hectares and contains more than 5000 students and 490 teaching staff. The aims of Hengshui High school are to run this school based on reality, dreams of the future, with the nation in heart and the world in mind ” .It is under the guidance of the philosophy of “People-oriented practice, scientific management, seeking truth and being realistic, quality first” . What’s more ,on the basis of the quality education , it grasp every chance to reform and innovate ,and spare no effort to fulfill five educational theories ,among which lifelong education is the principal one .These educational theories activate both teachers’ and students’ creativity demand,stimulate campus cultural energy and help realize the school’s harmoniously and rapid development.During the past years, approximately 80 teachers from our school have been invited to present lectures on teaching. Furthermore, 200 teachers have received honorary title from HengShui city, HeBei Province, and the nation. Students tend to develop comprehensive qualities, innovative consciousness and creative spirit under the guidance of the high quality and well educated teachers. about 300 students have won a variety of competitions, such asthe International Olympic Competition of Robot,the National Juvenile Science and Technology Innovation Competition, the China Intelligent Robot Competitionand so on. In terms of College entrance examination achievements, our school ranks 1stin HeBei province continually since 2000. The Grade three students have gained the highest scores of College entrance examination both in Art and Science separately in a row since 2006.In the past four years, there have been 172 students admitted toTsinghuaUniversityand Peking University, 8 students admitted to University of Science and Technology of China Youth Classand more than 5000 students admitted to key universities. All of these students have strong sense of responsibility, good academic performance, comprehensive qualitiesand high development potential. Some of them serve as student leaders, and some have got honorary titles many times. And many students have been admitted to world famous universities. Many graduates from Hengshui High School have obtained PHD’s degrees so far and play a very important role in all fields both at home and abroad in society, economics and politics. Hengshui high School has become excellent student base.On the basis of opening principle, Hengshui High School has been making every effort to create opportunities of international exchange and cooperation, aiming to foster graduates of good quality. We have invited more than 30 foreigners to teach in our school, who graduated from well-known universities. Also, we have founded sister school relationship with Roger Manwoods School in Britain andWilliam Tolman High School &CharlesShea High School in America. All this has laid a good foundation for the goal of educating graduates who love their country, have a good knowledge of the world and keep pace with modern society.More than twenty national newspapers and magazines, such as Education Newspaper of China, Newspaper for Chinese Teachers and People’s Education, have publicized the educational experience of Hengshui High School to the whole nation, thus attracting the attention of the field of Chinese education. As a result, over 150,000 people from 30 provinces and regions have come to pay a visit to the school. They think highly of the school, saying that Hengshui High School has created an educational legend and leads by example.


